经济学人—中国互联网公司 合并是大势所趋?
来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2017-02-08 | 13347 次浏览 | 分享到:

Groupon has flopped in China, just as many other Western internet firms have done.

This has left the field clear for local businesses.

On October 8th two Chinese companies which between them have about four-fifths of the local group-buying market said that they would combine.

Meituan, with about half of the market, will join forces with Dianping, which has about 30%.

The combined business will be worth perhaps $15 billion.

It will quash competition on one front of a costly proxy war now being fought by China's big three internet firms—Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent.

Alibaba has a stake in Meituan, while Tencent backs Dianping.

The merged entity would dwarf Nuomi, which has a mere 14% share of China's group-buying industry.

It is fully owned by Baidu, which said in June that it would invest $3.2 billion over the next three years in this sort of e-commerce business.
