来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2016-10-10 | 18618 次浏览 | 分享到:

McDonald's "disgusting" dunking advice has fast food lovers divided - where do you stand? 麦当劳的糟心饮食建议让快餐爱好者出现了内讧,您往哪边儿站?

The fast food chain posed the question on their Facebook page - and many people are relieved they can finally admit to this habit

A portion of fries from McDonald's. Would you dip these in a milkshake?

Much of the rich tapestry of life is down to our individual tastes and preferences.

Food in particular is a divisive category. Some people can't be in the same room as a jar of Marmite . Others spoon it from the jar with a liberal abandon.
比如美食就是一个最好的例子。有人受不了跟酸汤同框,有人纵情于酸汤之勺久久不忍离去。(可达译注:你没听错,liberal abandon唯一的正确的的翻译就是:纵情于此不忍离去

And that's just the tip of the food-related iceberg. 

Recently, a question posed on their Facebook page by the overlords of fast food, McDonald's , has sparked a furious debate.
